Encounter with computers and blogging.

My first encounter with computers was at age twelve.Personal computers had just started making their way into peoples homes and i was fascinated when i got the opportunity to use one.It was actually love at first sight.

Soon after,the internet  became publicly accessible with a number of internet cafes springing up.Years have passed and i got to hear about blogging.I didn’t understand how it really worked and surprisingly i never bothered to find out until i listened to a program about blogging,social media and citizen journalism on my local radio station; Joy FM Ghana on which a high school senior Mac-Jordan, a blogger himself was the resource person. My hunger to know more lead me to the website of Blogging Ghana,a group promoting blogging  in Ghana.

I realized blogging wasn't rocket science after all and any body could be a blogger.Really interesting to see my articles and posts come alive especially with this cool social blogging plug in i discovered called Zemanta.

It goes amazing things to my blog.

Enough said…..this goes to sharing,making a difference and being heard.
Enhanced by Zemanta

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